What is an English editing certificate?
An editing certificate certifies that your manuscript, research paper, literature review, or other academic work (book, thesis, dissertation, etc.) has received proofreading and editing by a professional English language editor. After we edit your document, Wordvice will issue a certificate of editing for your document for FREE in an easy-to-download format.
Your editing certificate can be printed with official editing certification information. Submit your editing certificate along with your document to your journal editor to ensure that English grammar, spelling, phrasing, punctuation, style, and technical vocabulary in your manuscript were revised and corrected by our scientific editing experts.
Some journal editors choose to contact the editor or language editing service to request a copy of the original and edited document that the editor revised. Therefore, be sure that you do not make additional revisions to your document after editing has been completed, as any changes made to the manuscript after we edit your work will not be included in our guarantee of 100% language accuracy.
Wordvice Editing Service is a trusted name in academic editing and proofreading of scientific manuscripts, papers, dissertations, theses and other academic documents. We guarantee that your paper will be 100% free of language errors or your money back.
Get Professional Editing and Proofreading from Wordvice.
Why do I need an editing certificate?
Many journal editors at top academic journals require a language editing certificate from ESL authors (those whose native language is not English). Additionally, many researchers submitting to journals can expedite the submission process by receiving professional editing ahead of submission to journals.
For these reasons, many of our clients request language editing for their academic papers. Wordvice now provides a free editing certificate with all academic editing orders to verify that the document was edited and that all grammar, spelling, mechanics, punctuation, flow, and phrasing issues have been identified and corrected.
Will an editing certificate help me get published?
While we cannot guarantee that language editing will ensure publication in your target journal, editors who receive professional editing and proofreading tend to be accepted more often in academic journals. ESL authors are likely to receive poor reviews or have their manuscript rejected if there are any remaining language or grammar errors. Even the best native English research writers can face rejection due to grammar and punctuation issues.
A Wordvice English editing certificate proves to the journal editor that your paper’s writing quality will be perfect. To this end, your language editor will focus on content such as vocabulary and expression in your paper, in addition to identifying and fixing English language mistakes. Thus, our editing English editing certificate can also make the transition from editing to peer review smoother.
To use an editing certificate, be sure to submit along with your paper to your target journal. Most journal editors know that a language editing certificate from Wordvice is a guarantee that your paper will be free of errors and that they can also focus on the substantive content of your work.
How can I obtain my certificate after receiving editing?
After your editor finishes proofreading and editing your paper, you can visit your account and immediately download this and other essential documents. We hope to make the certificate of language editing process (as well as the editing process itself) as easy and seamless as possible.
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Authors can receive an editing certificate after receiving any of our English editing services, including:
What does a language editing certificate look like?
Below is an example of a Wordvice language editing certificate. The certificate includes the paper’s title, the author or authors of the paper, and the certificate date of issuance.

So, if you are looking for the best language editing and proofreading services in the business, as well as sure proof that you have received language editing, look no further than Wordvice. The editing service reviews and testimonials from our clients speak for themselves!