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How to Avoid Common Grammar Mistakes in Your Writing

Today, we continue our series on ways to improve your writing by examining another major problem we found in our client’s writing. After style issues, grammatical errors comprised 21% of all writing errors! In this post, let’s look at what mistakes were most common and how to fix them. We also provide you a curated list of additional resources that will help you proofread and revise grammatical mistakes and strengthen your writing skills!

The Most Common Grammar Errors in Writing

While there are kinds of grammar problems, we will focus on the top 5 most common mistakes.

The following is a graph depicting the frequency of all grammatical errors surveyed during our study.

As you can see from the bar graph above, determiner-related problems constitute almost 60% of all the grammatical errors we found! In particular, an overwhelming majority of the issues involved article use.

Why is article usage the most common grammar mistake?

Articles such as “a,” “an,” and “the” are tiny words, and, yet, they play a significant role in telling us the specificity of a noun. For many of you who are ESL speakers, your native language might not have articles, so we can understand why it would be difficult to decide which article or determiner to use when writing in or speaking English. Article use can be tricky, but, hey, we do have some good news: at least the English language doesn’t have gender-specific articles like many romance languages!

Apart from not understanding the role of an article because it may be absent in your native tongue, another reason for article misuse is uncertainty about whether a noun is countable. While there are many exceptions to article use rules, the ones the English language does have largely relate to a noun’s countability. For additional information about how to use articles correctly, check out our detailed article and visual flowchart (click the link for the full article).

Why is using the correct article important?

Articles denote specificity and introduce context for a noun. That’s a lot for a word that has only one to three letters, right? To illustrate the importance of articles, let’s look at the following scenario.

Let’s say you’re talking to someone and you want to tell them you desire a car. You can say one of two statements: “I really want a car” or “I really want the car.” But do you want a car (any car) or do you want the car (a specific one you’ve seen or heard about)? Perhaps you want the latter, so you say, “I really want the car.” However, what if the person you’re speaking to doesn’t know about this dream car you’ve wanted for as long as you can remember? You would have confused the other person with your statement because you provided no details to clarify which car is “the car.” Likewise, if you had simply said, “I really want a car,” your listener would still be uncertain about which car unless you provided further details.

So, how do you fix this problem? You can correct this mistake in two ways: (1) start with “a car” and then explain it by using “the car” in a subsequent sentence that elaborates on which one or (2) use “the car” followed by a restrictive clause that precisely identifies the car you want. For example:

(1) I really want a car. In fact, I want one exactly like the car I saw parked in front of Joe’s house yesterday.
(2) I really want the car I saw parked in front of Joe’s house yesterday.

How can I fix the following common grammatical errors?

Determiner Misuse

Countable nouns:

Uncountable nouns:



Incorrect Prepositions

Below is an infographic prepared by, which highlights the differences between 14 pairs of commonly confused prepositions.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Verb Form Confusion

  • The sun is always rising in the east. →  The sun always rises in the east.
  •  I visit my sister this week. →  I am visiting my sister this week.

    Verb Tense Shifting

    We hope that the above information provides you with a good overview of how to correct the grammar issues in your writing. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the long list! It’s impossible for us to remember all these rules each time we write. Rather, focus on one aspect until you perfect it, then move on to the next. Also, check out our English editing services–which include a suite of revision services such as paper editing, essay editing, book editing, and even script editing–to help you clean up these types of errors and more!